OK.., so here we are, looking like two Leprechauns in green (thanks to our stage lighting), playing at Mornay van Oudsthoorn’s popular 1854 Restuarant & pub on the main drag in Greyton. It was a crazy gig, with some hastily learned Irish pub songs, and of course, the Neil Diamond medley where Mornay sings to his patrons. Wow.., what a lekker tradition for a restuarant owner!    

We also stunned the regulars by including two Afrikaans hits. ‘Kaptein’ by Kurt Darren & ‘Sal Jy Bly?’ by Theuns Jordaan (Please support these SA artists by going and buying their albums.)  Well, the place was a’rockin’ and a’rollin’.

We will be back at Mornay’s place for his birthday bash on the 21st of April 

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